Entries by Fppg

RIGC 2022: Europe’s solutions for the energy security and climate crisis, analyzed in Bucharest

September 19, 2022. More than 60 top experts from the industry and prominent representatives at the level of governments, European institutions, and regulatory authorities in the field of energy will gather in Bucharest, between September 21-22, at the 5th edition of the Romanian International Gas Conference (RIGC 2022), annual benchmark event organized by the Oil […]


Un întreg spectru de combustibili alternativi, care își găsesc aplicabilitatea în unul sau mai multe moduri de transport, se dezvoltă în prezent, oferind astfel soluții tehnologice pentru reducerea emisiilor în sectorul transporturilor. De la biocombustibili de generația a II-a, la hidrogen albastru, turcoaz sau verde, și combustibili sintetici, toți vor fi folosiți în propulsia vehiculelor.

FPPG welcomes the EU Parliament’s vote on the new taxonomy for sustainable investment, which argued that natural gas should be included in the taxonomy and therefore considered sustainable by investors.

A majority of 328 members of the European Parliament in Strasbourg voted last week against the European Commission’s objection regarding the delegated act on the Regulation of the taxonomy and therefore in favor of classifying nuclear energy and natural gas as sustainable. Until now, natural gas had been excluded by most sustainable investors, which has […]

FPPG welcomes the governing coalition’s initiative to reintroduce Offshore Law in parliament, essential requirement for Romania’s energy security

The Oil and Gas Employers Federation (FPPG), an organization that brings together the main producers of natural gas, which covers over 98% of domestic production, welcomes the reintroduction of the Offshore Law in the parliamentary circuit. This first step is essential to ensure the competitiveness and stability of the fiscal regime while respecting the mechanisms […]