aprilie, 2019

08apralldayChamber of Deputies – Plenarry Sitting


  • Chamber of Deputies – Plenary Sitting
      • PL-x no. 745/2018 Draft Law for completing paragraph (1) of Article 7 of the Government Emergency Ordinance no.28 / 2013 approving the National Program of Local Development
          • Stipulates that the local public administration authorities can access funds from the state budget for financing the construction / modernization / rehabilitation / extension of the electricity and natural gas distribution systems
          • Report has not been issued

        PL-x no. 15/2018 Draft Law approving the Government Emergency Ordinance no.86 / 2017 amending Article 8 paragraph (1) of the Law no.360 / 2013 on setting up and maintaining a minimum level of oil and petroleum products reserves

          • Favorable report with amendments

        PL-x no. 8/2019 Draft Law approving the Government Emergency Ordinance no.100 / 2018 regulating some measures regarding the general framework applicable to sovereign development and investment funds

          • Creating the general framework regarding the conditions under which a company governed by the Companies Law no. 31/1990 must fulfill in order to be considered a sovereign investment fund
          • Favorable report with amendments


All Day (Luni)


Chamber of Deputies

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