februarie, 2019

20feballdayDragnea: I believe that the ordinance on amending the laws of justice is fine and necessary


Dragnea: I believe that the ordinance on amending the laws of justice is fine and necessary

PSD chairman Liviu Dragnea claimed that the emergency ordinance on amending the laws of justice was necessary and that he respected the principle of transparency. He claimed he did not know that this normative act would be adopted by the Government, pointing out that he had read it later

Source: Agerpres

Daniel Suciu and Răzvan Cuc – validated by the PSD leadership for development and transport portfolios; Prime Minister has submitted to the president the proposals for the appointment of Daniel Suciu and Răzvan Cuc for the Regional Development and Transport Portfolios

Source: News.ro

ANRE postpones the deadline for transferring the turnover to which the 2% contribution from GEO 114/2018

The National Regulatory Authority for Energy (ANRE) has announced that it is up to the deadline until the energy companies have to pass on the turnover on the basis of which the 2% contribution stipulated in GEO 114/2018 will be calculated without however, specify the new deadline for providing these data.

Source: Hotnews

Engie: The gas price for the population would have continued to increase albeit the Government had not adopted the GEO 114

The gas market in Romania is immature and the price for the population would have continued to rise if the Executive had not adopted Emergency Ordinance 114/2018, Engie Romania Director General Eric Stab quoted Agerpres as saying on Tuesday. „The Romanian market is immature, which led to the increase of the regulated price last year. Without GEO 114, the price would have continued to rise”.

Source: Enegynomics

Mark Beacom(BSOG): We expect GEO 114 to disappear altogether by 2021 when we start operating, but we have issues with offshore law

GEO 114 could disappear altogether by 2021, when Black Sea Oil & Gas starts to take off the Black Sea gas after the $ 400 million investment, Mark Beacom, head of Black Sea Oil & Gas, at the ZF Power Summit event 2019 „If we knew we’d get to this situation three years ago, we would not have gone before. But now we want to go ahead, respect what we have discussed with shareholders. We believe that by 2021 GEO 114 will be forgotten.”

Source: Ziarul Financiar

Mazarine Energy: Romania has reserves of one billion barrels of oil, we will make further investments

Source: Economica


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