noiembrie, 2018
Gas to heat up all Romanians? Who pays the pipe to the gate, when the wood is still cheaper and the connection is too expensive Much of Romania's countryside still burns
Gas to heat up all Romanians? Who pays the pipe to the gate, when the wood is still cheaper and the connection is too expensive
Much of Romania’s countryside still burns wood to warm up, and the solution that everyone wants to replace gas with gas, including from the perspective of the increase in production generated by future Black Sea gas, is hit by a few obstacles, in addition to the first, of the absence of networks: the still lower cost of wood heating and the costs of connecting rural houses, even after the potential expansion of the distribution network. Those who are still out there are still not sure who to pay. The heating costs of a wood house are lower by about 10% compared to the costs of natural gas heating under the current conditions in all non-urban areas in Romania, according to a study by the Center for the Study of Democracy in partnership with the Federation Oil and Gas Employers, named „Natural Gas Opportunity in the Romanian Residential Sector”.
The Energy Minister attends the Energy Charter Conference today
Energy Minister Anton Anton and State Secretary Robert Tudorache are attending the Energy Charter Conference today in Bucharest. Romania hosts the 29th conference under the aegis of this platform for international cooperation in the energy sector between 27 and 28 November 2018 as President of the Energy Charter Conference. Our country is the first Member State of the European Union to hold the presidency of the Energy Charter Conference. The main themes that the Romanian Energy Charter Conference chairs in 2018 are: to eradicate energy poverty by implementing energy efficiency solutions; strengthening the cooperation framework to cover technological differences between countries and regions; improving the security and security of cross-border energy flows – the transit of energy regarded as a critical energy security issue, Agerpres reports.
Source: Bursa
Romgaz and SAPE want to set up a gas supply company
Romgaz and SAPE are currently considering the opportunity of a partnership to set up a gas supply company, according to sources in the energy market. They explained to us: „Romania needs an indigenous gas supply company. That is why there is interest in setting it up. There are negotiations that Romgaz will have 60% of shares, SAPE – 40%, and initial capital of 100 million euros. Through this company, it can easily compete with EON and ENGIE, which currently divide the gas distribution market, with profits abroad. Let us not forget the gas coming from the Black Sea. Offshore law provides that gas charges from the Black Sea are funded by investments in gas distribution networks, with only 36% of households in Romania connected to the natural gas distribution network. In addition, we can participate in Romgaz’s incremental capacity bookings in the future. ”
Source: FinancialIntelligence
Minister of Finance, Teodorovici, controversial proposal to limit Romanians’ working rights in EU countries to a certain period of time
Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici said on Tuesday he has proposed to the EU finance ministers to limit the working rights in another country to a certain period of time. “Limiting the right to work. In what sense? I will read again news that Teodorovici wants to reform Europe. No, the working permit should be the same in all states. After the first working permit you will not be allowed to renew the working right, so you emigrate in Europe. Now, the one going to work in Germany and receiving the working right, he would never return to his home country, Croatia, Romania or wherever he may leave from. It is a decision to be discussed,” Eugen Teodorovici said on Tuesday.
Source: Romania Journal
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