noiembrie, 2018

07novalldayOffshore Law. Cătălin Niţă (Oil and Gas Employers Federation): It is unacceptable for such a thing to happen after so many years in the EU!


Offshore Law. Cătălin Niţă (Oil and Gas Employers Federation): It is unacceptable for such a thing to happen after so many years in the EU!

„There is a lot of talk about the importance of each energy producer, and I want to talk about the importance of the oil and gas sector in general. At the European level, the oil and gas sector provides 67% of the energy mix. EU, the oil and gas industry employs 1.1 million people (…) The gas sector is very important. Gas has the chance to become the fuel of the future in the sense that it can be easily streamlined by technologies already known, but not yet we have to talk about investments, and there are quite serious investments both on land and at sea, which can not be considered as investments in the country. neglected. We have a speech in the industry, almost obsessive-repetitive in recent months due to heated debates on offshore law. Every time we say we need stability and predictability in the legislative framework! We will not stop saying that until we see results. It is inadmissible that after so many years of the European Union and after so many years of democracy, we continue to say something and do something else, to change the rules during the game. We have to take economic and legislative maturity and keep it, „said Catalin Niţă.

Source: DC News

PROBLEMS at ANRE. Gheorghe Marin at DCBusiness: We will call them on commission! Gheorghe Marin spoke about the problems he has with ANRE (National Regulatory Authority for Energy)

„I am talking about the consumer and the producer at the same time.” In July we amended the Renewable Energy Law in the sense that we defined what the consumer is, and we have defined the conditions in which a consumer can become a producer as well as the conditions in which it can be linked to the network. Also, when we made these changes, we have provided a 90-day deadline for these changes to be regulated by ANRE, ie to become operable. I say this because we have the obligation to make laws, to change laws, but we also have the duty to see if what we do is applied. Often, the changes we make do not concern a single ministry, but several institutions. As far as cooperation between institutions is concerned, it has been proven that we are not in a very positive phase. That is why our committee’s role is to check whether the legislation we have produced has been implemented. I say this because, after 90 days, the regulation had to be issued by ANRE, but it was not issued. Today we will call on the commissions the actors involved in this field, „said Gheorghe Marin.

Source: DC News

The National Conveyor of Gas and Petroleum Conpet Ploiesti has a new General Manager, Timur-Vasile Chiş, with 4 years mandate.

At the same time, Sanda Toader was appointed Economic Director, since November 7, for a period of four years.

Source: Ziarul financiar

Sovereign Development and Investment Fund: a serious economic analysis is required

The creation of the Sovereign Development and Investment Fund (FSDI) is on the last hundred meters, it will be produced this week, just like in an emergency ordinance. FSDI would be an investment fund „endowed” with the participation in the most valuable companies owned by the Romanian State (ie 19 million citizens) – Hidroelectrica, Electrica, Romgaz, etc. Other major state owned companies – Transgaz, a key company for gas transportation and the exploitation of the huge Black Sea gas resources, or Transelectrica, the backbone of the Romanian energy system – would be endowed with another sovereign fund similar to FSDI.

Source: FinancialIntellingence, Adevarul


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De acum, Federația Patronală Petrol și Gaze este Federația Patronală a Energiei.