august, 2018

07augalldayOffshore Law: Many questions, few answers


Offshore Law: Many questions, few answers

Certainly, in the investment process, especially in a sector where the value of investments is significant, a potential investor considers the whole range of risks to determine the feasibility of a project and its economic profitability. Risk factors relate mainly to the size of resources, complexity of production, trade conditions and obviously to the political and fiscal environment. Therefore, the more risk the investor engages, the more predictable, stable and unclarified fiscal framework is more important.

Source: Profit

The Ministry of Energy calls for the election of the members of the Conpet Board of Directors by cumulative vote

The Ministry of Energy, the majority shareholder of the national conveyor of Conpet Ploiesti, requested the completion of the agenda of the shareholders’ meeting of August 22, regarding the cumulative vote of the members of the Board of Directors of the company.

Source:, Economica

Hidroelectrica’s profit, a new historic high: 962 million lei, in the first six months of 2018

Hidroelectrica, the largest electricity producer in Romania, announced for the first six months of this year a net profit of 962 million lei, the largest in the history of the company.

Source: Economica , Digi 24

Andrei Bobar, appointed economic director in Romgaz in July, denies the four-month term

Source: Ziarul Financiar

Romgaz is looking for a new general manager

Romgaz, the largest producer and the main natural gas supplier in Romania, started the recruitment process for a new general manager. The announcement was published, the selection for the post of General Manager being carried out in accordance with OUG no. 109/2011

Source: Energynomics

Enel ends S1/2018 with business of 614 million euro in Romania, plus 11%. The italians have a budget of 400 million euros by 2020 for digitization.


All Day (Marti)



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