iulie, 2018

05iulalldayOpposition has notified CCR over new Criminal Code


Opposition has notified CCR over new Criminal Code

The oppositions parties represented in the Romanian Parliament have notified the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR)  over the draft law amending the Criminal Code, recently adopted by the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. The opposition parties say that the draft contains over 30 unconstitutional articles, among which the one referring to the abuse of office and the abrogation of the provision on dereliction of duty.

“We hope this Code aiming at protecting offenders will never become law. We ask CCR to send the preliminary questions regarding the rule of law to the EU Court of Justice and to analyse our unconstitutional appeal. The notification has been filed by PNL, USR and PMP. Yesterday was a shameful day,” declared Liberal deputy Ioan Cupsa.

Soruce: Romania Journal


President Iohannis notifies CCR on the Law establishing the Sovereign Development and Investment Fund

The President asserted that such a decision must be taken through an act of the central administration, not through a law adopted by the Parliament.

“Regarding the establishment of the composition of the FSDI Supervisory Board, we appreciate that the text is unclear. On the one hand, by the fact that the law establishes only some of the selection criteria, the rule is deprived of precision and unpredictable, and it may lead also to the interpretation according to which it could be complemented by infra-legal acts. On the other hand, no objective assessment criteria are provided in terms of fulfilling the requirements related to the experience in the financing-banking system and the experience corresponding to the complexity of the activity that is specific to FSDI, both individually and collectively.

Source: Nine o’clock


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