august, 2018

15augalldayRomania's Romgaz H1 net profit falls on higher expenses


  • Romania’s Romgaz H1 net profit falls on higher expenses

Romgaz produced 2,640 million cubic meters of natural gas in the first half of 2018, up 3.2% on the year. During the review period, Romania’s natural gas consumption decreased by 3.55% on the year to 71.27 TWh, while Romgaz deliveries dropped by 2.96% as compared to the previous period, to 31.11 TWh. The company’s total revenues rose 3.44% on the year in the six months through June, reaching 2.47 billion lei. For 2018, Romgaz has scheduled investments of 1.6 million lei, out of which it used 652,741 lei in the first half.

Source: SeeNews

  • Romania’s Nuclearelectrica H1 net profit rises on higher power sales

Nuclearelectrica, the operator of Romania’s sole nuclear power plant Cernavoda, said on Tuesday its first-half net profit rose 16% on the year to 182.3 million lei ($45 million/39 million euro) on the back of increased electricity sales. The company also said it plans to invest 244.8 million lei this year, mainly into upgrade works at Cernavoda NPP, of which it has already invested 30.5%.Nuclearelectrica’s net profit tripled to 303 million lei last year, driven by higher electricity sales.

Source: SeeNews



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