februarie, 2019

12feballdaySessions of the Committees


    • L 11 / 2019 (Draft Law for the approval of OUG114 / 2018) was distributed to committees as follows:

      REPORT Committee on Budgets, Finance, Banking and Capital Market

      NOTICE Commission for Work – scheduled  on Tuesday, 12.02, 10:00

      NOTICE Environmental Committee – posted on Tuesday, 12.02, 10:00

      NOTICE Economic, Industries and Services Committee

      NOTICE Legal Committee

      NOTICE European Affairs Committee  – scheduled on Tuesday, 12.02, 12:00

      NOTICE Welfare, Food Industry and Rural Development Committee

      NOTICE Defense, Public Order and National Security Committee

      NOTICE Human Rights, Equal Opportunities, Religions and Minorities Committee

      NOTICE Energy Infrastructure and Mineral Resources Committee  – scheduled on Tuesday, 12.02, 12:00

      NOTICE Education, Science, Youth and Sports Committee

      NOTICE Public Health  Committee


      11:00 – Joint Meeting of Budget, Finance, Banking and Capital Market Comm., Industry and Services Comm.

      • Meeting with representatives of the National Bank of Romania on the following topics:

      o Financial Stability Report No. 2 of 2018

      o Elements related to the Fixing procedure, as a result of the impact Robor has in calculating the interest rates on the lei loans of the population


      Energy, Energy Infrastructure and Mineral Resources Committee  – 12:00

      L55 / 2019 Legislative proposal to amend Government Emergency Ordinance no.70 / 2011 on social protection measures during the cold season

      • Adjustment of the aid for natural gas by 64%  – the minimum amount will be 20 lei and the maximum of 430 lei.
      • Adjustment of the aid amount for solid fuels or petroleum fuels by 122% (20-120lei)


      Public Administration Committee – 13:00

      L742 / 2018 Legislative proposal on social dialogue

      • Reinforcement of the true/ efficient social dialogue


All Day (Marti)



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