octombrie, 2018

09octalldayTariceanu, about the Offshore Law: There can be no agreement in which there is a winning side and a losing party


Tariceanu, about the Offshore Law: There can be no agreement in which there is a winning side and a losing party

„I believe that despite the physical impossibility of President Iancu to participate in the commission’s work, the commission should also meet in the committee to exchange views among committee members from all parties represented in Parliament to weigh options which we have at our disposal, which must cover a fairly broad spectrum, leaving aside from our interest to have as much budget revenue as possible from the exploitation of the Black Sea gas. The second most important consideration is to ensure the energy security of Romania in the first place and in the regional hat. We have to keep in mind that investors are also interested in the other side. There can be no agreement in which there is a winning side and a losing party, „Tariceanu said.

Source: Adevarul, News.ro, Economica

Cristina Pruna, deputy USR: The mandatory natural gas reserves set for this winter by ANRE have reached the lowest value in recent years

The mandatory natural gas reserves set by the National Regulatory Authority for Energy (ANRE) for the winter season 2018-2019 have reached the lowest value in recent years, says Cristina Pruna, deputy USR, who asks whether they are enough to cope with a cold winter. Representatives of ANRE and the Ministry of Energy are invited next week in the Chamber of Deputies to provide explanations on this issue.

Source: Hotnews, Adevarul

European Commissioner Corina Cretu: I will no longer accept Gov’t insults. We make superhuman efforts to avoid disengagement of funds

European Commissioner for Regional Policy has criticized the absence of projects from the Bucharest authorities during a press conference in Brussels on Monday and has publicly warned that she will no longer accept insults from the Romanian Government regarding her work.“I really want to announce you publicly that I no longer accept the insults from the Romanian Government regarding my work,” said Corina Creţu, visibly irritated, answering the journalists’ questions, hotnews.ro reports.

Source: Romania Journal

Ponta about the offshore law: we will vote for a project to allow exploitation

Lawmakers affiliated to the Pro Romania Party will vote on a form of offshore law that would allow the exploitation of natural resources, Victor Ponta, leader of the party, told a press conference on Monday.

Source: Economica


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