noiembrie, 2018

20novalldayUpdate-PSD Executive Committee: Ministers replaced, Bucharest mayor to be stripped of political support. Firea resigns from the Bucharest PSD helm


Update-PSD Executive Committee: Ministers replaced, Bucharest mayor to be stripped of political support. Firea resigns from the Bucharest PSD helm

The Executive Committee of the ruling Social Democrat Party has convened today, with the Cabinet reshuffle and the case of Bucharest mayor, Gabriela Firea, hot on the list. The ruling party has decided that six ministers should step aside: Paul Stanescu, Lucian Sova, Dănuț Andrușcă, Ioana Bran, George Ivașcu, Bogdan Cojocaru, while Defence minister Mihai Fifor has resigned. Therefore, Lucian Sova steps down from the Transport ministry and will be replaced by Labour minister Lia Olguta Vasilescu, who is replaced by Marius Budai, the chairman of the Budget Committee in the Chamber of Deputies.One of the dissidents in the party, Paul Stanescu will lose the Regional Development portfolio, which will be taken over by Ilan Laufer, who used to be minister for SMEs.Resigning Mihai Fifor will be replaced by Gabriel Les, who also held the Defence portfolio in the Grindeanu Cabinet. Dănuț Andrușcă from the Economy ministry will be replaced by Niculae Bădălău, and Culture minister George Ivașcu, will be replaced by PSD senator  Daniel Breaz.Minister of Sports and Youth Ioana Bran is to be replaced by PSD deputy Constantin Bogdan Matei.

Source: Romania Journal

Iohannis refused to appoint Lia Olguta Vasilescu to the Ministry of Transport and Ilan Laufer to the Ministry of Development. Paul Stănescu remains the Minister of Development

President Klaus Iohannis announced on Tuesday that he accepts six of the eight new ministers proposed Monday by the PSD, but refuses two of them – the most important portfolios: Lia Olguta Vasilescu at the Ministry of Transport and Ilan Laufer at the Ministry of Development. It is noteworthy that the president accepted Marius Budăi at the Labor Ministry, which means that at this moment Lia Olguţa Vasilescu will remain in the government. Also from the list read by Iohannis with the names of the ministers for whom he accepted the reshuffle was missing the name of Paul Stanescu, which means that Liviu Dragnea’s rival remains minister.

Source: G4Media, Agerpres

BSOG signed a 10-year agreement for the sale of Black Sea gas with ENGIE, subject to a final investment decision. Mark Beacom, CEO: The agreement covers half the production, according to the offshore law

In spite of having postponed the final investment decision regarding the Midia project for the next year, Black Sea Oil & Gas SRL („BSOG”), together with its concession partners, Petro Ventures Resources SRL („Petro Ventures”) and Gas Plus International BV („Gas Plus”) has already signed an agreement with Engie selling gas to be extracted from the Black Sea. Ten months ago, the BSOG, controlled by Carlyle’s asset management giant, signed with the operator of the national gas transmission system (SNT), Transgaz, the contract for transporting and introducing into the national system the gas that will come from potential production of the Midia (MGD) development project in the Black Sea, although the Americans have not yet made the final decision to invest in this project. Both the contract with ENGIE and Transgaz will be applicable only in the case of the final decision to invest in the Midia project.

Source: Profit, Adevarul,

Report: Coal-based energy producers leave people without money in their pockets and without air

European coal-producing companies continue to shift the cost of dirty energy to society. Air pollution from their coal-fired power plants raises people in Europe with both health problems and billions of euros, according to detailed modeling in a new report.

Source :Adevarul

The energy sector, dominated by „misunderstood nationalism”, „unrelated to patriotism”

Răzvan Nicolescu, senior expert at Deloitte, today criticized in a very tough terms the situation in the Romanian energy system, which he said in a conference that he is affected by a lot of stupidity and is not ready to go to the stages of the future.

Source: Digi 24, Agerpres



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