august, 2018

21augalldayCarmen Mihălcescu: The request to convene an extraordinary session does not meet all the legal and regulatory provisions


Carmen Mihălcescu: The request to convene an extraordinary session does not meet all the legal and regulatory provisions

Vicepresident of the Chamber of Deputies Carmen Mihălcescu, who took on monday the duties of the President of this Chamber, Liviu Dragnea, considers that the request of PNL, USR and PMP to convoke an extraordinary session between August 20 and 24 does not meet all the legal and regulatory provisions.

Source: Agerpres

German public television, ARD – ample feature on Liviu Dragnea, corruption scandals he is involved in

ARD, the German public television, has broadcast an ample feature about PSD leader and Chamber of Deputies Speaker, Liviu Dragnea and about the corruption scandals he is involved in. The feature presents the anti-government rally on August 10 and point at Liviu Dragnea as the one guilty for what is going on in Romania, informs. The journalists have analysed the corruption scandals Dragnea is involved in and also the sentences received in court. The German journalists also present footage with the Belina Lake, which is included in one of the criminal files concerning the social-democrat leader. “In the focus of criticism is Liviu Dragnea, the Parliament Speaker. He has a public position in Bucharest but at home, in the country, it seems he is filling his pockets without restraint,” the German journalists say.

Source: Romania Journal

Transgaz will invest 360 million euros for the pipeline to take over the Black Sea gas

Transgaz will invest 360 million euros for the Tuzla-Podisor pipeline, which will take over the gas that will be extracted from the Black Sea and transport them to the export pipelines, according to data published in the report for the first semester of the company’s directors.

Source: Agerpres

Moldova will no longer buy gas from Gazprom from 2020, but from Romania

Moldova will not yet negotiate a new agreement with the Russian gas supplier Gazprom, but will focus on finalizing the connection to the gas pipeline system in Romania, Moldovan economy minister Chiril Gaburici said in a televised broadcast, according to the radio station Free Europe

Source: E-nergia


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