septembrie, 2018

11sepalldayThe tensions in PSD are growing. How the camps were divided. Internal conflict could blow up parliamentary majority


The tensions in PSD are growing. How the camps were divided. Internal conflict could blow up parliamentary majority

Dissatisfaction grows within PSD and the pressure is mounting on the PSD leader, who is currently facing more problems. Social Democrats have told that more and more Social Democrats disapprove of the way Liviu Dragnea leads the party and wants him to take a step back. Another burning issue facing Dragnea, which can no longer be postponed, is the amnesty and pardon order.

Source: Hotnews

Badea: Hidroelectrica is paralyzed by controls. We are accused of selling too cheap, too expensive

Hidroelectrica has recently been controlled by several institutions, such as the Court of Accounts, the National Regulatory Authority for Energy (ANRE), the Competition Council and the National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF), being accused of selling too much energy small, too big, said on Tuesday, for AGERPRES, Bogdan Badea, the general manager of Hidroelectrica.

Source: Economica

The Black Sea gas has come to negotiate in Liviu Dragnea’s office

PSD President Liviu Dragnea has made laws on which Romania’s energy security depends, after the negotiations on the offshore gas exploitation law of the Black Sea moved from Parliament to its own office. The law that sets out rules for companies to exploit the Black Sea gas has become an instrument by which Liviu Dragnea determines on its own how „planting” works and forces oilists to personally negotiate with the president of the PSD a law of strategic importance for Romania. The offshore law should, on the one hand, outline the legal and fiscal framework by which companies can exploit the Black Sea gas, and could, on the other hand, give Romania both long-term energy security and the advantageous position of a regional energy hub.

Source: Adevarul


All Day (Marti)



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