decembrie, 2018

05decalldayChamber of Deputies / PMP, USR, PNL demands that Iordache resign; Iordache says Dragnea has delegated his duties as president


Chamber of Deputies / PMP, USR, PNL demands that Iordache resign; Iordache says Dragnea has delegated his duties as president

MPP, USR, PNL MPs asked the deputy head of the Chamber of Deputies, Florin Iordache, to resign from office and surrender the session, while Iordache made public the document by which Liviu Dragnea delegated the duties of the President of the Chamber.

Source: Agerpres

The opposition supports VICTORIA in the Chamber of Deputies and Dragnea’s dismissal from the leadership: Recognize the vote / Iordache opposes: It was a voting simulation / On which the two options are based

PNL deputy Raluca Turcan says that the vote in the Parliament, even if it was not submitted by the president, respected the procedure, so Liviu Dragnea lost the position of president of the Chamber of Deputies. Turcan says if the vote is not recognized, the Opposition will leave the plenary.

Source: Media fax

The price of electricity on the spot market in Romania was the highest Monday in the entire European Union

The price of electricity on the market for the next day in Romania of OPCOM was the highest Monday in Europe, with about 20 euros / MWh above the prices recorded on other European stock exchanges. The electricity supplied on Monday in Romania was traded at the highest average price of the year, over 87 euro / MWh, three days, with few exceptions, Romania importing over 10% of domestically consumed electricity.

Source: Profit, Economica

ANRE sets up the director who spoke about imposing an environmental tax on apartment houses: We have no right to legislative initiative in fiscal policy

The National Regulatory Authority for Energy (ANRE) says that according to the rules in force, it does not have the right to initiate the issuance or modification of the primary legislation in the field, nor to the establishment of state tax and tax policies, after a director of the Authority spoke of the possibility of introducing an environmental tax for owners of individual apartment heating plants.

Source: Profit, Economica


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