decembrie, 2018

06decalldayThe state wants Hidrolectrica to substantially increase the amount granted as additional dividends


The state wants Hidrolectrica to substantially increase the amount granted as additional dividends

The Romanian state, which owns just over 80% of Hidroelectrica’s shares, the largest energy producer in Romania, wants the hydropower operator to raise the total amount of dividends to shareholders over 137 million lei, from 550 to ROL 687.018 million, with the Government going to increase by 110 million lei, from 440 to 550 million lei. The Ministry of Energy addressed a request to this effect to the Hidroelectrica Directorate.

Source: Profit, Economica

Electricity consumption and stock price peak at the peak of the year, close to the record

National electricity consumption and stock prices peaked at the beginning of December at the highest values this year, being very close to historical data, according to data published by Transelectrica and the OPCOM stock market operator, analyzed by AGERPRES. Thus, on Wednesday 5 December, the maximum hourly electricity consumption reached 9,525 MW between 17:00 and 18:00. The day before, on December 4, the maximum consumption was 9,483 MW, and on Monday, December 3, it reached 9,508 MW in the same time interval. These values are close to the historical ones. In January 2017, Romania recorded a record average hourly consumption of 9,750 MW.

Source: Agerpres, Bursa

The liter of gasoline has reached 5 lei! The toll-free price has fallen by more than 22% in one month, the tax rate decreasing by only 11% because the state collects 55% of the pump price

The drop in international oil quotations was quickly transferred to the price of the companies selling fuels in Romania, the gasoline price dropping from 5.74 lei / l at the end of October to 5.02 lei / l, at OMV Petrom station on Alexandria Road, one of the cheapest in Bucharest.

Source: Profit, Economica

Black Sea Oil & Gas: We started the process of selling the Black Sea gas in 2016. Quantities not covered by the Engie contract go to the stock market

Black Sea Oil & Gas (BSOG), the first company involved in the new wave of exploration in the Black Sea that announced the conclusion of a gas sale contract, says volumes that are not subject to the contract with the French at Engie will go to the centralized market local. The company is not engaged in negotiations with other potential buyers just to comply with the Offshore Law.

Source: Ziarul Financiar


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