august, 2018
PSD resumes attack on foreign companies. Vâlcov accuses a $ 2 billion robbery from not updating gas prices in the last 12 years Darius Vâlcov, Premier's adviser Viorica Dăncilă, presented on
PSD resumes attack on foreign companies. Vâlcov accuses a $ 2 billion robbery from not updating gas prices in the last 12 years
Darius Vâlcov, Premier’s adviser Viorica Dăncilă, presented on Thursday a note from the National Agency for Resources (NAMR) that the budget had lost 2 billion dollars due to the fact that the gas price was not updated in the last 12 years, but also that the change in the fee in February brought 117 million lei to the budget in the first semester. Vâlcov’s message comes as the issue of natural gas has been a topic debated this year, with numerous attacks on oil companies.
Viorica Dăncilă sent a letter to the President of the European Commission about the protests of August 10, when he attacked Klaus Iohannis
„The August 10 event became a topic of intense political disputes, most party leaders appealed for calm and isolation of the disruptive forces of public order. However, there have been heard voices by political leaders who have called for continued protests, accusing state institutions, law enforcement officials and those in all member states to protect citizens against aggression and violent actions. I believe that these attempts to violently remove a legitimate government can be a dangerous precedent among the democratic states, „wrote Viorica Dăncilă in the letter sent to the European Commission.”
Source: Adevarul
Transelectrica sues ANRE for damages caused by the reduction of the transport tariff
Transelectrica sued the National Regulatory Authority for Energy (ANRE) due to the latter’s decision to reduce the regulated electricity transport tariff via an order in 2014, which would have damaged the electricity TSO by 138 million lei, according to the report submitted, on Thursday, to the Bucharest Stock Exchange, by Transelectrica, on the occasion of publishing the financial results.
Source: Focus Energetic, Energynomics
Only one-third of the oil consumed by the refineries in Romania is out of the country
Romania has only three big refineries, but the decline in domestic oil production still provides domestic supplies for just 31% of its oil demand. The rest comes from import, especially from Kazakhstan and Russia.
Source: Economica
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