decembrie, 2018

10decalldaySessions of the Committees



Budget Commission – 11:00 (Tuesday)

PL-x no. 433/2018 Draft Law on the elaboration and updating of the long-term national strategy „Romania 2040”

  • Establishment of the Commission Romania 2040 headed by the President of the Chamber of Deputies for the period 2018 – 2019.
  • Preliminary adoption report from the Commission for Economic Policy.

PL-x no. 199/2017 Draft Law approving Government Emergency Ordinance no.25 / 2017 amending the content of the annex to Government Ordinance no.7 / 2013 on the introduction of the tax on the extra income obtained as a result of the deregulation of prices in the natural gas sector

  • Preliminary adoption report from the Industry Committee

Committee on the Environment – 12:00 (Tuesday)

PL-x no. 574/2018 Draft Law on the management of potentially contaminated and contaminated sites

  • For REPORT


All Day (Luni)


Chamber of Deputies

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