decembrie, 2018

03decalldaySessions of the Committees



    • Budget Committee – 10:00

      Hearing of the candidates registered for the position of vice-president in the Financial Supervisory Authority Council

      – 13:00

      PL-x no. 199/2017 Draft Law approving Government Emergency Ordinance no.25 / 2017 amending the content of the annex to Government Ordinance no.7 / 2013 on the introduction of the tax on the extra income obtained as a result of the deregulation of prices in the natural gas sector

      • For REPORT (shared with Com Industries)
      • Invite: M. Energy, MFP

      Commission for Public Administration – 11:00

      PL-x no. 574/2017 Draft Law for the approval of the territorial development strategy of Romania

      • For REPORT

      Committee on the Environment – 12:00

      PL-x no. 574/2018 Draft Law on the management of potentially contaminated and contaminated sites

      • For REPORT


      PL-x no. 537/2018 Draft Law approving Government Emergency Ordinance no.72 / 2018 laying down measures for the completion of intervention works to increase energy performance at housing blocks under the National Program on Energy Efficiency Enhancement of Housing Blocks approved in accordance with with the provisions of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 18/2009 on increasing the energy performance of housing blocks

      • Emergency procedure

      PL-x no. 160/2018 Draft Law approving Government Emergency Ordinance no.107 / 2017 amending and completing some normative acts with impact in the field of public procurement


All Day (Luni)


Chamber of Deputies

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