februarie, 2019

14feballdayRomania had the fourth economic growth in the EU in the last quarter of last year


Romania had the fourth economic growth in the EU in the last quarter of last year

With an economic growth of 4% in Q4 2018, as compared to Q4 2017, according to Eurostat data, Romania ranks 4th in the EU, on the same footing as Slovakia, in a Latvia-led ranking, with an increase of 5.5% , followed by Hungary with 4.8% and Poland (4.6%). Data from Eurostat show economic developments for several countries, including Estonia, Ireland, Greece, the Czech Republic, Croatia or Slovenia.

Source: Mediafax

Mixed signals – Teodorovici accuses pressure from Romania and abroad to urgently adopt the GEO 114

Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici accuses pressure from both Romania and outside the country for the Government to urgently adopt the 114 ordinance, and now the Government will not give up these principles despite the current pressures. The Minister of Finance also stated that there are currently pressures on all sides and the repeal of the ordinance 114.

Source: Adevarul

Anghel (PwC): Seven out of ten companies will repeal Ordinance 114, and half intend to refer to

Daniel Anghel, head of the Tax Advisory Department at PwC Romania, said that seven out of ten companies would abolish Ordinance 114 altogether, and 52% intend to file a complaint with the European Commission because some measures are contrary to European law.

Source: Agerpres

ANRM order: Petrom will pay royalties for Romanian oil at the price of oil extracted from the North Sea

The National Mineral Resources Agency issued a new methodology for increasing Petrom’s taxation, the only Romanian oil producer with significant output. ANRM imposes a reference price for oil extracted from the country, as it did with gas, to which the percentages of royalty apply.

Source: Economica


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